
Logistic and Trucking Clients have proven success using the following messaging sequence.

Step 1

Hi {first_name}, great to connect with someone from {company_name}’s logistics department.

I work for ((COMPANY NAME)). We specialize in trucking and logistics for the ((INDUSTRY NAME)) industry.

We have helped many companies like {company_name} increase efficiency and reduce logistics costs.

Is it possible to jump on a quick call with you this week or next? I promise not to take up more than XX minutes of your time.

Step 2

Hey {first_name}, just following up on my previous message.

We would love to have {company_name} as a client! I know we can help save your logistics department time and money, just like we have helped many other {location}-based companies, including ((LIST 3 or 4 BEST CLIENTS BASED IN THE SAME LOCATION)).

Could we set up a XX-minute call over the next week?

Step 3

Hi {first_name}, I realize you might be too busy for a call, so I thought I’d try to outline our service as much as possible.


By understanding your logistics challenges, I can offer a more tailored solution for {company_name}.

It would be great to get on a call at your earliest convenience. Alternatively, we can start the conversation by email?

I look forward to connecting with you.